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Michael Shumacher

Michael Schumacher was born in Hurth-Hermuhlheim, Germany, on 3 de January 1969. When he was only four years old, *he* was given a toy a kart and later a lawnmower engine was fitted to *it*. Shumacher's parents thought he was not safe driving his kart on the pavements around their home so they arranged for him to use the local kart track.

At the age of 15, he won his first major championship - the German Junior Kartinhg Championship. When he was nineteen, he turned to racing cars and immediately began winning. At the age of 22, he took part in his first Grand Prix, driving a Jordan, but shortly after that he joined the Benetton team.


Lawnmower - máquina de cortar grama

Engine - Motor

To fit - adaptar

Pavements - calçadas

Track - pista

To turn to - voltar a atenção para

Shortly after - logo depois

To join - juntar-se


1) What do the words *he* and *it*, underlined in the tezt, refer to (Ao que se referem as palavras "he" e "it", destacadas no texto) ?

a) Michael - toy kart

b) Michael's father - engine

c) Michael - lawnmower

d) Michael's father - kart track

e) His father - toy kart

2) Choose the alternative which contains a verb form in the Present Continuous Tense (Escolha a alternativa que contém um verbo na forma Present Continuous Tense):

a) He is driving his kart at the present moment.

b) He was born in Hurth-Hurmuhlheim.

c) He was driving on the pavement around his house.

d) He has joined the Benetton team.

e) He usually used the local kart track.

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